LOOKIE what I made! :)
Today I was sipping on my tea in the local coffee shop, watching all the people walk about doing their holiday shopping, when I suddenly got inspired to make some lovely gift tags! With all that money spent buying the perfect gift why spend more for some gift tags? Especially when you can just make them at home (and give it that extra home made level of love), and most importantly - its free!
Thats right. In the spirit of the holidays I have decided to make some lovely gift tags available for FREE! :D YAY! Consider it my holiday gift, from me, to you!
Just click HERE to download the pdf and print on some nice card stock paper. And follow these simple steps:
1) Gather materials - printed tags, ribbon, one hole punch (or use just one hole of a regular hole puncher), pair of scissors, and something to write with!
2) Cut out the tags you like. I was sure to make some that include both christmas themes and general holiday themes to suit everyone on your list! :)
3) Hole punch the top part
4) Thread some ribbon, and Success! You have made your own gift tag!
I really enjoyed making this so please let me know if you used it and like it :) I just might add a matching napkin holder next week!