So the other day I headed in to the kitchen with a lot of excitement on what I should make. My Tiramisu recipe? Soft buttery shortbread cookies? Lemon squares? ginger molasses bars? options! options! As I pondered my options out loud to my brother he said "Well, those are all great and all, but can't you make something normal for once?" I thought this was funny as this is the same guy who inhales everything I bake, and then asked for thirds, fourths, and tenths. This was the first time I hear any such complaint or suggestion from him. But as I thought about it, I realized it had been quite a while since I went "classic". I asked him what exactly he meant by "something normal" and he immediately retorted "CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!" (clearly he had been holding on to this!)
"Ok," I said "What kind of chocolate chip cookies? Soft and chewy? Thin and crispy? OOOH how about CAKEY cookies those are awesome! And maybe we can add walnuts?" His reply: "NO! I said NORMAL! Just a NORMAL chocolate chip cookie. Nothing crazy fancy with weird ingredients. I JUST want a cookie!"
Well alright then.
Normal and nothing crazy? Well that means we need to go with a classic chocolate chip cookie recipe! And what better than the ORIGINAL, must classical cookie you could get - the first every chocolate chip cookie recipe! There are various stories as to what really happened and how the actual cookie was invented, with some saying it was a brilliant accident, to others claiming it was created on purpose. One things for sure, however, and that is that chocolate chip cookies were invented by Ruth Graves Wakefield in the 1930s. (lets all take a minute and say “Glory be the thee Mrs. Wakefield!”) One story goes that Mrs. Wakefield was in the kitchen of the Toll House Inn (an Inn she owned with her husband) and was planning on make a batch of her Chocolate Butter Drop Do cookies to serve to her guests. But as she was in the middle of baking the recipe, Ruth discovered she was out of baker’s chocolate! Ruth then tried to save the batch by adding some chopped up Nestlé chocolate that had been given to her by Andrew Nestlé of the Nestlé Company. (Lets take a moment and appreciate how awesome it is that Mrs. Wakefield personally knew a family member of the Nestle corporation. I would totally be name dropping up in the blogosphere if it were me! …which come to think of it is probably why its not me…) Anyways, Ruth had expected the chocolate she added to the batter to melt and disperse through the cookie dough, but of course it did not! And thus the invention of the brilliant chocolate chip cookie!
Oh, but you know what this means don’t you? My brother was being all up in my face about stopping my experimentations, and going classic…. Where in reality, the chocolate chip cookie was discovered due to someone’s creative experimentation! :)
Hope you enjoy them!
Classic Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookies
* 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
* 3/4 cup granulated sugar
* 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 2 large eggs
* 2 cups (12-oz. pkg.) NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels
* 1 cup chopped nuts (I didn’t add these for obvious brother-hates-nuts reasons)
Instructions : I thought since this is an original recipe, you should check out the official nestle website for the instructions if you would like to make them :) INSTRUCTIONS HERE

This provides the perfect classic, original type of chocolate cookie, because it was! Enjoy and let me know what you think :)
**TIP: I find if you microwave the cookies for 10 seconds before eating makes them SO amazing and melty in your mouthy :)
And lookie here! My first ever youtube video! Showing you step by step how its done :)